
attention, seeking.

With the sun already setting, I find myself exhausted from a fitful night, a fitful sleep.My sleep, clinging only tenuously to life lately, had a terrific double feature of my favorite worst nightmare. What a fool. Just when you thought one's taking up residence - you unconsciously torch the land.

Caligula would have blushed.
Rapturous times.
A safety haven.
Don't abandon a burning ship when you're a living extinguishing device.

Hours before

Stumbling into the thick of hundreds of monochrome faceless, boneless individuals, at dead of night, in an unhappy haze of a drunken hour...when my eyes lose the only colour around...bathing in nothing but sweat, with eyes like pinballs, searching, my fingers constantly pinching my weak and tired body… not so sure if this is a dream or a nightmare or both, reality.
Leftovers from my brain trying to reconstruct the sequence: Eagle eyes, trembling lips, a determined voice. I cannot speak.

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